T-TESS In Early Childhood Special Education 516802 - 10/07/2024 Professional Development Feeling unsure about evaluating or what effective practices look like in ECSE classrooms?
This sess...
GT - Day 1 Nature & Needs 518931 - 10/07/2024 Professional Development GT Course 1 of 5 "GT Certifications and Updates"
Must attend all 5 scheduled days to become GT Cert...
ARD 101 498813 - 10/07/2024 Professional Development This workshop will dive into the dynamic world of ARD committee meetings – the heartbeat of st...
Reading Academies Year 5 Cohort 526555 - 10/07/2024 Professional Development Reading Academies Workday
Fall Legal Training 530977 - 10/07/2024 Professional Development Fall Legal Training
Connecting Students to Industry 525653 - 10/07/2024 Professional Development This event will provide local high school CTE leaders/teachers with the opportunity to learn about p...
GT - Day 2 Identification & Assessment of GT Students 518934 - 10/08/2024 Professional Development GT Course Day 2 of 5 *GT Identification and Assessments of GT Students*
Must attend all 5 schedule ...
CNP-Meal Patterns 530967 - 10/08/2024 Professional Development This class aims to teach operators of the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Pro...
CCMR Symposium 523563 - 10/08/2024 Professional Development Come join us for a day of learning all things that make students College, Career and Military Ready!...
Algebra II PLC (Fall Meeting) 520593 - 10/08/2024 Professional Development You asked, and we delivered! Come join this community of Region 5 Algebra II teachers to see what is...
Writing Aligned Annual Goals and Progress Monitoring 512271 - 10/08/2024 Professional Development Build appropriate annual IEP goals to address identified critical areas of needs for your students. ...
Fall School Nurse Meeting 531001 - 10/08/2024 Professional Development HOLD ROOM
35th Annual Law Conference 482824 - 10/09/2024 Professional Development 35th Annual Law Conference
GT - Day 3 Models of Differentiated Instruction 518940 - 10/09/2024 Professional Development GT Course 3 of 5 - *GT Certification and Updates*
BIL/ESL Exceptions and Waivers, Program Evaluation Zoom 517781 - 10/09/2024 Professional Development This Zoom will provide participants with resources for the exception and waiver process and completi...
CNP-CACFP: The Administrative Review Process for CACFP 530970 - 10/09/2024 Professional Development This course is designed to assist personnel responsible for managing the operational, financial, and...
GT Day 4 Creative & Critical Thinking 518941 - 10/10/2024 Professional Development GT - Day 4 Creative & Critical Thinking
Must attend all 5 scheduled days to become GT Certified.
Building Capacity with Parent & Family Engagement 522264 - 10/10/2024 Professional Development This session helps LEAs and campuses see that while building relationships is critical to better par...
CNP-CACFP: Meal Production Records for Child and Adult Centers and At-Risk Afterschool Program and Emergency Shelters (Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Supper) 530972 - 10/10/2024 Virtual PD This class teaches Contracting Entities (CEs) basic Meal Production Record (MPR) skills including ho...
Social Media Bootcamp 526384 - 10/10/2024 Professional Development Learn how to tell your school's story through social media
Fall Middle School Counselor Meeting 510880 - 10/10/2024 Professional Development During this session, we will have up-to-date information from TEA, legal and legislative information...
Buggy~Bug~Bugs! Learning in an Inclusive Classroom 511227 - 10/10/2024 Professional Development This workshop is for both General Education and Special Education Early Childhood teachers. We will...
McKinney-Vento Liaison Quarterly Meeting 506852 - 10/10/2024 Professional Development McKinney-Vento Liaison Quarterly Meeting
Fall Middle School Counselor Workday 510882 - 10/10/2024 Professional Development During this session, we will have time to work together on any current issues or management in the c...
GT- Day 5 - Engaging Gifted by Adding Depth & Complexity 518942 - 10/11/2024 Professional Development GT Day 5 of 5 *Engaging Gifted by Adding Depth & Complexity*
Must attend all 5 schedule days to be...
SPED Directors Mtg - Oct 11 498754 - 10/11/2024 Professional Development SPED Directors Mtg
Texas Teacher Evaluation Support System Training (T-TESS) 494704 - 10/15/2024 Professional Development Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) is the State recommended teacher evaluation sys...
Reading Academies Year 5 Cohort 526556 - 10/15/2024 Professional Development Reading Academies Workday
Motivating the Unmotivated: 506704 - 10/15/2024 Professional Development Objective: This training is designed to equip general and special educators with strategies in findi...
TX CAN SPED-UCATOR MONTHLY LEARNING COHORT 511044 - 10/15/2024 Professional Development Calling all self-contained life skills teachers!!! Join me monthly, from August to May, to discover ...
Ethics for Licensed Specialists in School Psychology (LSSPs) 506596 - 10/16/2024 Professional Development Examine ethical situations that commonly occur for individuals providing psychological services in t...
Bringing CTE to K-5 Classroom with Agriculture and Education 510886 - 10/16/2024 Professional Development Join Texas Farm Bureau Ag in the Classroom in an interactive, hands-on learning session about how to...
Hands-On Learning for the CTE Class 510888 - 10/16/2024 Professional Development Join Texas Farm Bureau Ag in the Classroom in an interactive, hands-on learning session about how to...
Youth Mental Health First Aid 533200 - 10/16/2024 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, sc...
Issues in Cultural Diversity for the LSSP 511225 - 10/16/2024 Professional Development Attend this session to consider and discuss current issues in cultural diversity as it relates to th...
Ready, Set, Coach! Math Coaching Strategies 518023 - 10/17/2024 Professional Development Calling all math coaches, instructional leaders, principals, etc.!!! Join us to explore various math...
Adapting Reading By Design for Specially Designed Instruction 488326 - 10/17/2024 Professional Development In this session, providers of dyslexia instruction will learn how to adapt content, methodology, and...
TSDS PEIMS Fall Submission 1 Student Overview 507146 - 10/17/2024 Professional Development Training of TSDS PEIMS Fall Submission Requirements and student data elements.
Business Managers Session 517170 - 10/17/2024 Professional Development Please join us for our monthly Business Managers Session.
Enhancing Instructional Opportunities for Immigrant Students Zoom 533146 - 10/18/2024 Professional Development Enhancing Instructional Opportunities for Immigrant Students, will provide local
education agenci...
Stories Fuel Our World: Literacy-based Considerations to Ethically Fuel Assessment and Intervention Phuong Palafox MS, CCC-SLP 512203 - 10/18/2024 Professional Development Centering the power of stories to ethically conduct culturally responsive assessments and implement ...
20 Hour Bus Driver Certification Class 534224 - 10/19/2024 Professional Development Participants will learn the rules and regulations of the State of Texas in order to obtain their 20 ...
New Evaluator Cohort 522654 - 10/21/2024 Professional Development The purpose of the “New Evaluator Cohort” is to provide diagnosticians, SLPs, and ARD fa...
Annual District Testing Coordinator Training 499782 - 10/21/2024 Professional Development This is the annual training session for district testing coordinators regarding the administration p...
Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment 518234 - 10/21/2024 Professional Development The Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment seminar shows participants how to use TPBA2 to assess an...
Reading Academies Year 5 STR Comprehensive Cohort 526625 - 10/22/2024 Professional Development 42 hour ESC led comprehensive cohort. 7- 6 hour sessions at Region 5 ESC. Dates to be determined. D...
Let’s Talk TELPAS 518090 - 10/22/2024 Professional Development We will discuss those similarities and align them to targeted strategies that would be beneficial fo...
RLA Research-Based Instuctional Strategies (RBIS) 516865 - 10/22/2024 Professional Development Please join us as we explore the four Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) for RLA. During...
Getting Ready for Reading by Design - Introduction to Volume 0 494580 - 10/22/2024 Professional Development
This class is part of a series of Reading by Design intervention trainings. This
course will ...
Section 504: A School District’s Responsibilities from Child Find to the Section 504 Plan 507237 - 10/22/2024 Professional Development This workshop is designed for K-12 staff that are new to Section 504 or want to better understand a ...
ASCENDER Graduation Plan 498701 - 10/22/2024 Professional Development This workshop will review the ASCENDER Student Graduation Plan application. We will look at creating...
ASCENDER Graduation Plan 522008 - 10/22/2024 Professional Development This workshop will review the ASCENDER Student Graduation Plan application. We will look at creating...
TSDS PEIMS Fall Submission 1 Staff/Budget Overview 505322 - 10/22/2024 Professional Development Training for Peims Coordinators & Business staff of the TSDS PEIMS Fall Submission Staff and Budget ...
Facebook Metrics 526380 - 10/22/2024 Virtual PD Virtual session
ASCENDER Student Workday 498702 - 10/22/2024 Professional Development The ASCENDER Student Workday will provide district staff time with the ASCENDER Student Team to work...
ASCENDER Fall Staff/Budget 506632 - 10/22/2024 Professional Development ASCENDER Fall Staff/Budget
Fall High School Counselor Meeting 510890 - 10/23/2024 Professional Development During this session, we will have up-to-date information from TEA, legal and legislative information...
Standards-Based Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Training 533952 - 10/23/2024 Professional Development The focus of this session is developing present levels of academic achievement and
functional per...
Child Outcome Summary 511037 - 10/23/2024 Professional Development Participants will gain an understanding of the Child Outcome Summary Process, the three outcomes, an...
Explore the Synergy between the 2024 Accountability System, PEIMS, TELPAS and CCMR 517317 - 10/23/2024 Professional Development Session participants will be guided through each domain of the 2024 accountability system in order t...
Child Outcome Summary 511038 - 10/23/2024 Professional Development Participants will gain an understanding of the Child Outcome Summary Process, the three outcomes, an...
Fall High School Counselor Workday 510892 - 10/23/2024 Professional Development During this session, we will have time to work on current issues in the counseling office. There wi...
CPI Training ~ October 2024 498156 - 10/24/2024 Professional Development CPI's blended eLearning option combines online and classroom experience to deliver a flexible learni...
5th Grade Science STAAR: A break down of 2024 525660 - 10/24/2024 Professional Development Join us for a comprehensive workshop designed to analyze and break down the results of last year's S...
ASCENDER TSDS PEIMS Fall Student 502874 - 10/24/2024 Professional Development ASCENDER TSDS PEIMS Fall Student
CTE TEKS Focus Group Meeting 533070 - 10/24/2024 Professional Development This focus group will be meeting to discuss feedback on work group draft recommendations from the 20...
ASCENDER TSDS PEIMS Fall Student 522068 - 10/24/2024 Professional Development ASCENDER TSDS PEIMS Fall Student
TSNAP: Texas Statewide Network of Assessment Professionals 459997 - 10/24/2024 Professional Development
This is a meeting for district testing coordinators. Updates on implementing the statewide testing...
CPI Training ~ October 2024 498157 - 10/24/2024 Professional Development CPI's blended eLearning option combines online and classroom experience to deliver a flexible learni...
Fall Elementary Counselor Meeting 510894 - 10/25/2024 Professional Development During this session, we will have up-to-date information from TEA, legal and legislative information...
Fall Elementary Counselor Workday 510896 - 10/25/2024 Professional Development During this session, we will have time to work through any management or current trends with counsel...
7 Steps to a Language-Rich, Interactive Classroom – Book Included 531040 - 10/28/2024 Professional Development This innovative training will help all teachers transform their classrooms into vibrant spaces
BTA Engagement Event 537213 - 10/28/2024 Professional Development Behavior Threat Assessment
Deep Diving into Dyslexia: From Screening to Intervention with the NEW Test of Dyslexia (TOD) 498847 - 10/29/2024 Professional Development Drowning in completing a dyslexia evaluation within the FIE? There is often confusion about the exac...
8th Grade Science STAAR: A break down of 2024 525671 - 10/29/2024 Professional Development Join us for a comprehensive workshop designed to analyze and break down the results of last year's S...
CNP-Verification 533089 - 10/29/2024 Professional Development As a result of attending this session participants will be able to properly apply their knowledge of...
2024-2025 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Updates with TEA 503462 - 10/29/2024 Professional Development TEA presenter, Joe Herrera, will share the most recent updates to the Student Attendance Accounting ...
2024-2025 LPAC Decision-Making Process Training Zoom 533153 - 10/29/2024 Professional Development We will review the 2024-2025 LPAC Decision-Making Process, including LPAC Decisions Educator Guide
New CTE State and Regional Program of study overview 510991 - 10/29/2024 Professional Development Join us for an immersive training session providing a comprehensive overview of the New Career and T...
Linking Services, Goals, and Progress Monitoring in Special Education Counseling 496338 - 10/30/2024 Professional Development Determining the efficacy and progress of Special Education requires good goals and a progress monito...
MTSS: Student Centered Approaches 530992 - 10/30/2024 Professional Development Come collaborate with peers and gather some great resources to help strengthen your MTSS programs. P...
CNP-Meal Counting & Claiming System 530974 - 10/30/2024 Professional Development This course is designed to assist personnel in child nutrition programs to effectively establish and...
DO THE MATH Session 3: Grade 2 (M5), Grade 3 (M4), Grade 4 (M5), & Grade 5 (M3&4) 521727 - 10/30/2024 Professional Development Welcome to Session 3 of a 5 part series! We will take a deep dive into specified modules (listed bel...
DO THE MATH Session 3: Grade K & Grade 1 (Module 3) 521717 - 10/31/2024 Professional Development Welcome to Session 3 of a 5 part series! We will take a deep dive into Module 3 (K & 1) utilizing th...
Certify: An Introduction to iCEV as a Certification Testing Platform for CTE 511607 - 10/31/2024 Professional Development
Certify, a regional event hosted by iCEV, is designed for CTE educators to learn more about indust...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 4: Dyslexia: from Child Find through the ARD Committee Process 499071 - 10/31/2024 Professional Development Texas Dyslexia Academy 4: Dyslexia: From Child Find through the Admission,
Review, and Dismissal ...
EDGAR Compliance and Training 517132 - 11/04/2024 Professional Development EDGAR Compliance & Training
Quarterly CTE Admin Meeting 510993 - 11/05/2024 Professional Development Quarterly CTE Administrator meetings are geared for campus/district leaders, counselors and teachers...
Speech Therapy and Hearing Loss: Part 1 - Conducting Ethical Evaluations Carrie Norman MS, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVEd 512211 - 11/05/2024 Professional Development What do educational SLPs need to know about working with students with hearing differences? What are...
Autism Tidbits Series #2: Finding The Words: An Overview of Gestalt Language Processing 509568 - 11/05/2024 Professional Development Echolalia is a GOOD thing! Let's scream it from the mountaintops and learn the basics of how to use...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 5: Screening for Dyslexia 499073 - 11/06/2024 Professional Development Texas Dyslexia Academy 5: Screening for Dyslexia is the fifth of six professional
development opp...
Teachers Helping Teachers (Grade 3 Math): Collaboration across Districts, STAAR Data Analysis, TEA Updates 520090 - 11/06/2024 Professional Development Join us for a time of true collaboration! Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas with...
Early Childhood Data Collection (ECDS) - KG Training 507373 - 11/06/2024 Professional Development Training for District staff responsible for the ECDS collection including requirements and tips for ...
ASCENDER TSDS ECDS KG 498694 - 11/06/2024 Professional Development This training will cover the ASCENDER steps for the TSDS Core ECDS - KG Data.
25-26 Region 5 Food Service Coop Commodity Tasting 506649 - 11/07/2024 Professional Development The Region 5 Food Service Coop will meet to sample and discuss potential new items to be added to th...
Building Conversation in the GT Classroom 525674 - 11/07/2024 Professional Development Join us for an engaging and interactive workshop designed specifically for educators working with gi...
Youth Mental Health First Aid 533203 - 11/07/2024 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, sc...
Unlocking Literacy: Strategies for Supporting Secondary Students in Reading 511515 - 11/07/2024 Professional Development This session aims to equip educators with effective strategies to support secondary students in deve...
SPED Directors Mtg - Nov 8 498755 - 11/08/2024 Professional Development SPED Directors only
8 Hr. Bus Driver Recertification Class 534226 - 11/09/2024 Professional Development This class will give participants the recertification they need to continue driving a Texas school b...
2024 Fall Federal Program Directors Meeting 522995 - 11/11/2024 Professional Development Participants will receive ESSA program updates and requirements while networking with other federal...
TX CAN SPED-UCATOR MONTHLY LEARNING COHORT 511045 - 11/11/2024 Professional Development Calling all self-contained life skills teachers!!! Join me monthly, from August to May, to discover ...
Leaving a Clear Trail 510995 - 11/12/2024 Professional Development Earning a diploma signifies the completion of one's education, but it is the Academic Achievement Re...
Budget and Finance Planning for Special Education - Cindy Moses, TCASE 525689 - 11/12/2024 Professional Development Budget and Finance Planning for Special Education
ASCENDER Payroll Processing 507139 - 11/12/2024 Professional Development This training will cover the ASCENDER Payroll processing procedures.
Canva Work Session - Building a brand kit 526387 - 11/12/2024 Virtual PD Working smarter with Canva
New Evaluator Cohort 522637 - 11/12/2024 Professional Development The purpose of the “New Evaluator Cohort” is to provide diagnosticians, SLPs, and ARD fa...
CNP-CACFP LIVE: Comprehensive CACFP Meal Pattern Requirements 530990 - 11/13/2024 Professional Development This course will review the CACFP Meal Pattern Program. As well as provide an overview of Offer Vs....
The Inclusive Paraprofessional Power Hour 507099 - 11/13/2024 Professional Development Segment #1: Collaborating with Others
Importance of effective working relationships between parap...
Hand2Mind Presents: Enhancing Small Group Instruction Aligned with STR 506662 - 11/14/2024 Professional Development
Engaging young learners in scientifically-based literacy activities is crucial for building founda...
Writing Effective Impact and Need Statements in the FIIE 498841 - 11/14/2024 Professional Development This session will provide guidance for writing compliant and effective impact and need statements re...
Teachers Helping Teachers (Grade 4 Math): Collaboration across Districts, STAAR Data Analysis, TEA Updates 520505 - 11/14/2024 Professional Development Join us for a time of true collaboration! Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas with...
Teachers Helping Teachers (Algebra 1 Math): Collaboration Across Districts, STAAR Data Analysis, TEA Updates 528691 - 11/14/2024 Professional Development Join us for a time of true collaboration! Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas with...
TSDS Core Training for Special Ed Collection (RFT, SPPI-14, Child Find and SELA) 507148 - 11/14/2024 Professional Development Training for Special Education Core Submissions requirements for TSDS reporting of RF Tracker, SPPI-...
School Counseling Support at Tier 2: Short Term Individual Counseling (Virtual) 511609 - 11/14/2024 Professional Development Individual counseling is an effective tier 2 school counseling intervention. In this training, parti...
ASCENDER TSDS Residential Facility Tracker (RFT) 502866 - 11/15/2024 Professional Development This recorded training will cover the ASCENDER steps for the TSDS Core RFT Data.
Introduction to Brailler Repair 526115 - 11/15/2024 Professional Development In this session, participants will have the opportunity to open a brailler, familiarize themselves w...
Student Support Framework 537197 - 11/18/2024 Professional Development Student support framework training
CNP-USDA Foods for Schools: Ordering for Success Training Program,including WBSCM 530994 - 11/19/2024 Professional Development USDA Foods for Schools: Ordering for Success Training Program, including WBSCM
Reading Academies Year 5 Cohort 526558 - 11/19/2024 Professional Development Reading Academies Workday
Bridge City Intermediate School Integrating Reading and Writing Instruction Training 531033 - 11/19/2024 Professional Development Description: While teaching reading and writing can be two very complex tasks, the intellectual proc...
ASCENDER Discipline Workshop 502888 - 11/19/2024 Professional Development The ASCENDER Discipline workshop will review District level and Campus level tables, set up the conn...
ASCENDER Discipline Workshop 522010 - 11/19/2024 Professional Development The ASCENDER Discipline workshop will review District level and Campus level tables, set up the conn...
ASCENDER Student Workday 502892 - 11/19/2024 Professional Development The ASCENDER Student Workday will provide district staff time with the ASCENDER Student Team to work...
Let’s Talk TELPAS 518093 - 11/20/2024 Professional Development We will discuss those similarities and align them to targeted strategies that would be beneficial fo...
CTE Partnerships 510997 - 11/20/2024 Professional Development In this module, participants will explore a variety of internal and external partnerships, how each ...
Decisions, Decisions: Is It a Speech Language Impairment or Specific Learning Disability in Listening Comprehension/Oral Expression? 511414 - 11/20/2024 Professional Development IEP Teams are often faced with a conundrum in deciding between a Speech Language Impairment or a Spe...
DMAC: Connecting Local and State Data to Boost Student Growth (formerly User's Meeting) 525683 - 11/20/2024 Professional Development Informed decisions lead to student
growth—and, DMAC can help with that! Learn how to use vari...
CPI Training ~ November 2024 498159 - 11/21/2024 Professional Development CPI's blended eLearning option combines online and classroom experience to deliver a flexible learni...
Reading Academies Year 5 STR Comprehensive Cohort 526626 - 11/21/2024 Professional Development 42 hour ESC led comprehensive cohort. 7- 6 hour sessions at Region 5 ESC. Dates to be determined. D...
TDA 2 - The Dyslexia Handbook 512743 - 11/21/2024 Professional Development TDA 2 is the second of six trainings developed to assist LEAs in implementing The Dyslexia Handbook ...
CNP-Food Allergies for School Nutrition Managers and Staff 530996 - 12/03/2024 Professional Development Food Allergies for School Nutrition Managers and
Staff is an in-depth training on managing food ...
Student Support Framework 537198 - 12/03/2024 Professional Development Student support framework training
Writing Compliant PLAAFPs 512267 - 12/03/2024 Professional Development Take a closer look at the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)...
ECR Workshop with Carlin Liborio 533067 - 12/03/2024 Professional Development This hands-on workshop will give you research-based reading and writing strategies that you can impl...
CNP-Procurement of Food Service Vendor Contracts 530998 - 12/03/2024 Professional Development Participants will develop a 4-step action plan to
implement at their School Food Authority or
CNP-TANS:Texas Automated Nutrition System for CACFP 531027 - 12/04/2024 Professional Development CNP-TANS:Texas Automated Nutrition System for CACFP
TANS allows program sponsors, ESC users, and ...
Teachers Helping Teachers (Grade 5 Math): Collaboration across Districts, STAAR Data Analysis, TEA Updates 520506 - 12/04/2024 Professional Development Join us for a time of true collaboration! Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas with...
GT- Day 1: Nature & Needs 518943 - 12/04/2024 Professional Development GT Course 1 of 5 *GT Certification and Updates*
Must attend all 5 scheduled days to become GT Cert...
Effective Methodologies for Special Education Counseling 496350 - 12/04/2024 Professional Development Special Education Related Service Counseling can be a powerful support in changing students' educati...
TIA Collaborative Support Meeting 525943 - 12/04/2024 Professional Development The purpose of this collaborative support meeting is to bring Region 5 districts together to provide...
GT- Day 2 Identification and Assessment of Gifted/Talented Students 518992 - 12/05/2024 Professional Development Day 2 of 5 - 30 hour training
Identification and Assessment of Gifted/Talented Students. Review th...
School Safety Session 499405 - 12/05/2024 Professional Development School Safety Updates
Student Support Framework 537199 - 12/05/2024 Professional Development Student support framework training
TSDS PEIMS Mid-Year Submission 2 506652 - 12/05/2024 Professional Development This workshop will cover detailed training of TSDS PEIMS Mid-Year Submission data elements, which in...
ASCENDER Mid Year PEIMS Submission 506653 - 12/05/2024 Professional Development This training will cover the ASCENDER steps for the TSDS PEIMS Mid Year Actual Data Submission.
GT - Day 3 Models of Differentiated Instruction 519033 - 12/06/2024 Professional Development GT Course 3 of 5 - *GT Certification and Updates*
SPED Directors Mtg - Dec 6 498756 - 12/06/2024 Professional Development SPED Directors Only
20 Hour Bus Driver Certification Class 534225 - 12/07/2024 Professional Development Participants will learn the rules and regulations of the State of Texas in order to obtain their 20 ...
New Teacher Academy Session 2: Planning Regorous, Aligned Lessons with Instructional Strategies to Support the Variety of Learners in Your Classroom 511062 - 12/09/2024 Professional Development In this session, new teachers will understand the key components necessary to develop rigorous, alig...
TX CAN SPED-UCATOR MONTHLY LEARNING COHORT 511046 - 12/09/2024 Professional Development Calling all self-contained life skills teachers!!! Join me monthly, from August to May, to discover ...
Reading Academies Year 5 Cohort 526559 - 12/10/2024 Professional Development Reading Academies Workday
Writing Aligned Annual Goals and Progress Monitoring 512272 - 12/10/2024 Professional Development Build appropriate annual IEP goals to address identified critical areas of needs for your students. ...
24/25 STAAR Accessibility (Accommodation) Updates 500076 - 12/10/2024 Professional Development The instructor will review accessibility updates and information from the Texas Education Agency (TE...
CTE Program Design 510999 - 12/10/2024 Professional Development The Program Design module will give participants the opportunity to use a design-thinking mindset to...
GT Day 4 Creative & Critical Thinking 519054 - 12/10/2024 Professional Development GT - Day 4 Creative & Critical Thinking
Must attend all 5 scheduled days to become GT Certified.
Texas Dyslexia Academy 6: Dysgraphia 499076 - 12/10/2024 Professional Development Texas Dyslexia Academy 6: Dysgraphia provides educators with foundational information about dysgraph...
ASCENDER Student End of First Semester 522011 - 12/10/2024 Professional Development This training will cover the processes for the end of the 1st semester including student grades, cam...
ASCENDER Student End of First Semester 502876 - 12/10/2024 Professional Development This training will cover the processes for the end of the 1st semester including student grades, cam...
Canva Work Session - Batch and Bulk Creating 526389 - 12/10/2024 Virtual PD Work smarter with Canva
GT- Day 5 - Engaging Gifted by Adding Depth & Complexity 519070 - 12/11/2024 Professional Development GT Day 5 of 5 *Engaging Gifted by Adding Depth & Complexity*
Must attend all 5 schedule days to be...
GT Coordinators Meeting 521681 - 12/12/2024 Professional Development This meeting is designed for representatives of districts who are involved in the operations of Gift...
Researched-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) - Math 504519 - 12/12/2024 Professional Development Come spend the day with us learning about Researched-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) for Math!...
Behaviors and Interventions for Counselors and Admin 511001 - 12/12/2024 Professional Development Embark on a transformative training session focusing on Behaviors and Interventions tailored for cou...
ASCENDER W-2/1099 506654 - 12/12/2024 Professional Development This training will cover procedures to process W-2's and 1099's using ASCENDER.
McKinney-Vento Liaison Quarterly Meeting 506853 - 12/12/2024 Professional Development McKinney-Vento Liaison Quarterly Meeting
Speech Therapy and Hearing Loss: Part 2 - Developing Ethical Interventions Carrie Norman MS, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVEd 512220 - 12/13/2024 Professional Development What are effective intervention models for working with students with hearing differences in educati...
New Evaluator Cohort 522643 - 12/17/2024 Professional Development The purpose of the “New Evaluator Cohort” is to provide diagnosticians, SLPs, and ARD fa...
24/25 STAAR ALT 2 For New Test Administrators 500078 - 12/18/2024 Professional Development This session is for NEW test administrators. The instructor will review updates and information from...
24/25 STAAR ALT 2 for Experienced Test Administrators 500080 - 12/18/2024 Professional Development This session is for EXPERIENCED test administrators. The instructor will review updates and informat...
CPI Training ~ January 2025 498161 - 01/09/2025 Professional Development CPI's blended eLearning option combines online and classroom experience to deliver a flexible learni...
District Improvement Plan (DIP) and LEA Program Plan Requirements Under Title I, Part A 522265 - 01/09/2025 Professional Development As districts who receive Title I funds begin planning for the upcoming school year, one of the many ...
TexQuest Resources for ELAR and Social Studies -- Elementary 526647 - 01/09/2025 Professional Development Discover
TexQuest digital resources for the elementary classroom and library
that fully support th...
Understanding the Emotional Disability Eligibility 511662 - 01/09/2025 Professional Development The federal definition of Emotional Disturbance has changed little since its inception in the 1970s....
Animal Science PLC Meeting 511003 - 01/09/2025 Professional Development Join in with other Animal Science teachers from Region 5 to discuss curriculum, competitions and te...
ADHD Evaluations for OHI Eligibility: School District Responsibilities and Roles of Evaluators 511664 - 01/09/2025 Professional Development School-based evaluations for ADHD can be a challenge and often lead to a variety of questions about ...
TexQuest Resources for ELAR and Social Studies - Secondary 526649 - 01/09/2025 Professional Development Discover
TexQuest digital resources for the secondary classroom and library that
fully support the...
CPI Training ~ January 2025 498162 - 01/09/2025 Professional Development CPI's blended eLearning option combines online and classroom experience to deliver a flexible learni...
ASCENDER TSDS Core Collection SPPI-14 502879 - 01/10/2025 Professional Development ASCENDER TSDS Core Collection SPPI-14
TX CAN SPED-UCATOR MONTHLY LEARNING COHORT 511047 - 01/13/2025 Professional Development Calling all self-contained life skills teachers!!! Join me monthly, from August to May, to discover ...
Staying Safe TxSSC 516615 - 01/14/2025 Professional Development This workshop will train district employees for the "A.L.E.R.T." training for students.
24/25 STAAR Accessibility (Accommodation) Updates 500081 - 01/14/2025 Professional Development The instructor will review accessibility updates and information from the Texas Education Agency (TE...
Reading Academies Year 5 Cohort 526560 - 01/14/2025 Professional Development Reading Academies Workday
DO THE MATH Session 4: Grade 2 (M6), Grade 3 (M5), Grade 4 (M6), & Grade 5 (M5) 521735 - 01/14/2025 Professional Development Welcome to Session 4 of a 5 part series! We will take a deep dive into specified modules (listed bel...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 1: Dyslexia Foundations 531053 - 01/14/2025 Professional Development Texas Dyslexia Academy 1: Dyslexia Foundations is the first of six training opportunities developed ...
CTE Resources 511005 - 01/14/2025 Professional Development The CTE Resources module provides an overview of many key components of CTE programs—time, fin...
Fine Tuning Section 504 Compliance While Waiting the Proposed Regulations 498843 - 01/15/2025 Professional Development We are still waiting on proposed Section 504 regulations…What will change? Will schools final...
24/25 STAAR ALT 2 For New Test Administrators 500082 - 01/15/2025 Professional Development This session is for NEW test administrators. The instructor will review updates and information from...
Transition in the IEP 532081 - 01/15/2025 Professional Development Participants will go through the TEA-approved courses for Transition Assessments, Writing Measurable...
2024-2025 TEA LPAC Framework: Middle-of-Year Check-in Zoom 516922 - 01/15/2025 Professional Development This Zoom will be a middle-of-year check-in Zoom. We will review the process for LPAC Committees and...
24/25 STAAR ALT 2 for Experienced Test Administrators 500083 - 01/15/2025 Professional Development This session is for EXPERIENCED test administrators. The instructor will review updates and informat...
Youth Mental Health First Aid 533206 - 01/16/2025 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, sc...
An Infrastructure for College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) for Counselors 511008 - 01/16/2025 Professional Development This module provides counselors with the opportunity to examine how strong CTE programs can support ...
Universal Design for Learning: Engagement (Accommodating the needs of Diverse Learner Series Part 1) 534167 - 01/16/2025 Professional Development Teachers will identify the best way to spark student interest in each lesson.
Reading Academies Year 5 STR Comprehensive Cohort 526627 - 01/16/2025 Professional Development 42 hour ESC led comprehensive cohort. 7- 6 hour sessions at Region 5 ESC. Dates to be determined. D...
ASCENDER Scheduling Part 1-Admin Steps 502880 - 01/17/2025 Professional Development ASCENDER Scheduling Part 1-Admin Steps
SI Legal and Ethical Updates Jan Watson, JD 512222 - 01/17/2025 Professional Development This session will provide the most current information regarding legal issues that specifically affe...
SPED Directors Mtg - Jan 17 498757 - 01/17/2025 Professional Development SPED Directors Only
DO THE MATH Session 4: Grade K & Grade 1 (Module 4) 521730 - 01/21/2025 Professional Development Welcome to Session 4 of a 5 part series! We will take a deep dive into Module 4 (K & 1) utilizing th...
Reading Academies Year 5 Cohort 526561 - 01/21/2025 Professional Development Reading Academies Workday
Title 1, Part A Paraprofessional Training 530963 - 01/21/2025 Professional Development This two-day training plus additional assignments will meet the federal requirements for paraprofess...
Teachers Helping Teachers (Grade 6 Math): Collaboration Across Districts, STAAR Data Analysis, TEA Updates 528648 - 01/21/2025 Professional Development Join us for a time of true collaboration! Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas with...
ASCENDER Grade Averaging and Class Ranking 522012 - 01/21/2025 Professional Development This workshop will include Grade Average Tables, the Grade Average/Class Ranking Utilities, manually...
ASCENDER Grade Averaging and Class Ranking 502881 - 01/21/2025 Professional Development This workshop will include Grade Average Tables, the Grade Average/Class Ranking Utilities, manually...
ASCENDER Student Workday 502882 - 01/21/2025 Professional Development The ASCENDER Student Workday will provide district staff time with the ASCENDER Student Team to work...
Autism Tidbits #3: Tips and Resources for Teaching and Navigating Puberty and More Complex Adult Social Interactions for Adolescents and Young Adults 517613 - 01/21/2025 Professional Development This talk will describe the importance of teaching skills to navigate relationships for individuals ...
New Evaluator Cohort 522652 - 01/21/2025 Professional Development The purpose of the “New Evaluator Cohort” is to provide diagnosticians, SLPs, and ARD fa...
CNP-USDA Foods for Schools: Ordering for Success Training Program,including WBSCM & Ordering Labs January & February 531025 - 01/22/2025 Professional Development CNP-USDA Foods for Schools: Ordering for Success Training Program, including WBSCM & Ordering Labs J...
Standards-Based Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Training 505295 - 01/22/2025 Professional Development The focus of this session is developing present levels of academic achievement and
functional per...
CNP-CACFP LIVE:The Administrative Review(AR) Process for CACFP 531029 - 01/22/2025 Professional Development This course is designed to assist personnel responsible for managing the operational, financial, and...
Business Managers Session 518576 - 01/22/2025 Professional Development Please join us for our monthly Business Managers Session.
IEP Quality and Rigor (for students with complex needs) 506800 - 01/23/2025 Professional Development A rubric to guide development of Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (...
School Counselor Resources 521802 - 01/23/2025 Professional Development During this presentation, counselors will delve into various school counseling supports that exist i...
TSDS Class Roster Winter 507374 - 01/23/2025 Professional Development Reporting requirements for the TSDS Class Roster Winter Submission.
ASCENDER TSDS Core Collection Class Roster - Winter 502885 - 01/23/2025 Professional Development ASCENDER TSDS Core Collection Class Roster - Winter
It's All About BrainPOP! 512431 - 01/24/2025 Professional Development This workshop will focus on four effective uses of BrainPOP in the classroom:
Teaching and Learning...
Math Open Education Resources: Edition 1 Overview 534114 - 01/28/2025 Professional Development Join us in exploring the updated version of Texas Education Agency's K-5 Math Open Education Resourc...
Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) Overview for Assessment Professionals and Administrators (Virtual) 511660 - 01/28/2025 Professional Development This training will review the discipline process for students with disabilities and the role of asse...
Bilingual/ESL/Title III Directors Meeting 507436 - 01/28/2025 Professional Development The agenda will include topics that support Federal compliance for the BIL/ESL/Title III programs as...
CNP-NSLP Financial Coding and Financial Reporting Requirements+Financial Report Lab Time 533137 - 01/29/2025 Professional Development CNP-NSLP Financial Coding and Financial Reporting Requirements + Financial Report Lab Time
Planning for a Comprehensive K-12 College and Career Readiness Program for Experienced CTE Leaders 511066 - 01/29/2025 Professional Development This session is the 1st module of a 4 part series for experienced CTE administrators that offers par...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 2: The Dyslexia Handbook 531055 - 01/29/2025 Professional Development Texas Dyslexia Academy 2 is the second of six trainings developed to assist LEAs in implementing The...
Teachers Helping Teachers (Grade 7 Math): Collaboration Across Districts, STAAR Data Analysis, TEA Updates 528655 - 01/29/2025 Professional Development Join us for a time of true collaboration! Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas with...
MOY CTE SSA meeting (Virtual) 511068 - 01/29/2025 Professional Development CTE SSA members should send at least 1 person to this virtual meeting to discuss the beginning of ye...
School Safety Session 499407 - 02/03/2025 Professional Development School Safety Updates
New Teacher Academy Session 3: Partnering with Parents and Colleagues 511060 - 02/03/2025 Professional Development New teachers will enhance their knowledge and skills around the way teachers build effective partner...
TExES ESL Supplemental Review #154 – Two Day Training 499906 - 02/04/2025 Professional Development This course is designed to prepare teachers to take the ESL TExES 154 for ESL Certification and deve...
RLA Research-Based Instuctional Strategies (RBIS) 516870 - 02/04/2025 Professional Development Please join us as we explore the four Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) for RLA. During...
Education & Training PLC 511070 - 02/04/2025 Professional Development Join in with other Education and Training teachers from Region 5 to discuss curriculum and teaching ...
TExES ESL Supplemental Review #154 – Two Day Training 516929 - 02/04/2025 Professional Development This course is designed to prepare teachers to take the ESL TExES 154 for ESL Certification and deve...
The Content & Cycle of the Written Parent & Family Engagement Policies (LEA & School) 522266 - 02/05/2025 Professional Development This session covers the requirements of both the LEA and campus Parent & Family Engagement Policies ...
Universal Design for Learning: Representation (Accommodating the needs of Diverse Learners Series Part 2) 534169 - 02/05/2025 Professional Development Teachers will about ways to present learning content in more than one way with the
understanding ...
Building Thinking Classrooms (K-5) 506620 - 02/05/2025 Professional Development Do you strive to help students go beyond rote memorization and repetitive calculations? Many traditi...
Teachers Helping Teachers (Grade 8 Math): Collaboration Across Districts, STAAR Data Analysis, TEA Updates 528676 - 02/05/2025 Professional Development Join us for a time of true collaboration! Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas with...
Texas School Safety Center - Cyber Security Tabletop Exercises 526543 - 02/06/2025 Professional Development Texas School Safety Center - Cyber Security Tabletop Exercises
McKinney-Vento Liaison Quarterly Meeting 506857 - 02/06/2025 Professional Development McKinney-Vento Liaison Quarterly Meeting
Multidisciplinary Approach to Assessing and Supporting Students with Dysgraphia 502762 - 02/10/2025 Professional Development This full day session will include considerations for assessment of dysgraphia, as well as recommend...
TX CAN SPED-UCATOR MONTHLY LEARNING COHORT 511048 - 02/10/2025 Professional Development Calling all self-contained life skills teachers!!! Join me monthly, from August to May, to discover ...
Writing Compliant PLAAFPs 512269 - 02/11/2025 Professional Development Take a closer look at the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)...
The Inclusive Paraprofessional Power Hour 507100 - 02/11/2025 Professional Development Segment #1: Collaborating with Others
Importance of effective working relationships between parap...
ASCENDER Budget and Next Year Payroll with Lab 506659 - 02/11/2025 Professional Development
This workshop will cover the ASCENDER Budget checklist which will assist users to ...
TSNAP: Texas Statewide Network of Assessment Professionals 526757 - 02/12/2025 Professional Development
This is a meeting for district testing coordinators. Updates on implementing the statewide testing...
Reading Academies Year 5 STR Comprehensive Cohort 526632 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development 42 hour ESC led comprehensive cohort. 7- 6 hour sessions at Region 5 ESC. Dates to be determined. D...
Successful Sound Walls 526744 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development Looking for more information on sound walls and how to implement then in the classroom? In this sess...
CPI Training ~ February 2025 498164 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development CPI's blended eLearning option combines online and classroom experience to deliver a flexible learni...
Youth Mental Health First Aid 533207 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, sc...
SPED Directors Mtg - Feb 14 498758 - 02/14/2025 Professional Development SPED Directors Only
Designing Effective & Ethical Evaluation for Students Who Speak Languages in Addition to English Lisa Rukovena MS, CCC-SLP 512224 - 02/14/2025 Professional Development This session will cover strategies for collecting and interpreting data when evaluating students who...
New Evaluator Cohort 522635 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development The purpose of the “New Evaluator Cohort” is to provide diagnosticians, SLPs, and ARD fa...
Writing Aligned Annual Goals and Progress Monitoring 512273 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development Build appropriate annual IEP goals to address identified critical areas of needs for your students. ...
ASCENDER Scheduling 502883 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development This training is the 2nd of the scheduling series and will cover courses, sections, instructors and ...
ASCENDER Scheduling 522013 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development This training is the 2nd of the scheduling series and will cover courses, sections, instructors and ...
ASCENDER Student Workday 502884 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development The ASCENDER Student Workday will provide district staff time with the ASCENDER Student Team to work...
Adapting Reading by Design (Specially Designed Instruction)-SPED (VIRTUAL) 528413 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development In this session, providers of dyslexia instruction will learn how to adapt content, methodology, and...
CNP-CACFP LIVE: The Participant Eligibility & Enrollment 533071 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development This course will cover handbook sections 4200 and 4310: participant eligibility and enrollment requi...
Tx Model for Administrators Zoom 526116 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development Join us to learn about what the TX Model is and how it impacts your campus. This training will be p...
Mastering the Schedule: Creating and solving the master schedule puzzle 511072 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development Participants will learn how to determine staffing needs based upon student choice requests and stude...
Writing Functional Goals - Make Them Meaningful and Document Progress 512276 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development Come to this workshop to learn how to articulate functional goals clearly and concisely in an IEP an...
Stations & Rotations: A Make & Take Workshop + Applied Learning Rotations Lab with Ayo Jones 509796 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development Feeling overwhelmed by classroom management? Stations and rotations can be your secret weapon! This ...
The ABCs of Developmental Assessments 512280 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development As we transition from the eligibility condition of Noncategorial Early Childhood (NCEC) to Developme...
Private Nonprofit (PNP) Equitable Services Zoom 518681 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development Participants will receive updates and guidance from TEA for Private Nonprofit (PNP) Equitable Servic...
Rockin Review 502339 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development Rockin Review
RLA Open Education Resources: K-3 Skills and K-5 RLA Literacy Program Edition 1 Overview 520581 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development Join us in exploring how Texas Education Agency's K-5 RLA Open Education Resource can transform lite...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 3: Considerations for Emergent Bilingual Students 531056 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development Texas Dyslexia Academy 3: Considerations for Emergent Bilingual Students is the third of six trainin...
Improved Instruction in Early Childhood Special Education 511040 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the challenge of meeting the diverse needs of all your ECSE stu...
Quarterly CTE Administrator Meeting (off site) 511074 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development Quarterly CTE Administrator meetings are geared for campus/district leaders, counselors and teachers...
Reading Academies Year 5 Cohort 526563 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development Reading Academies Workday
CNP-ICN/TDA Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program (Part 1 of 8 sessions) 533086 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development This training program is intended for new and aspiring school nutrition program managers and directo...
Health Science PLC Meeting 511076 - 02/28/2025 Professional Development Join in with other Health Science teachers from Region 5 to discuss curriculum and teaching strategi...
Spring Elementary Counselor Meeting 511078 - 03/03/2025 Professional Development During this session, we will have up-to-date information from TEA, legal and legislative information...
A Day of Discovery...Education, That Is! 526216 - 03/03/2025 Professional Development Discovery Education inspires educators to go beyond traditional learning with award-winning digital ...
Spring Elementary Counselor Workday 511081 - 03/03/2025 Professional Development During this session, we will have time to work through any management or current trends with counsel...
Reading Academies Year 5 STR Comprehensive Cohort 526634 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development 42 hour ESC led comprehensive cohort. 7- 6 hour sessions at Region 5 ESC. Dates to be determined. D...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 4: Dyslexia: from Child Find through the ARD Committee Process 531060 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development Texas Dyslexia Academy 4: Dyslexia: From Child Find through the Admission,
Review, and Dismissal ...
Financial Math Roundtable Meeting 511089 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development Join in with other financial math teachers from Region 5 to discuss curriculum and teaching strategi...
CPI Training ~ March 2025 498166 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development CPI's blended eLearning option combines online and classroom experience to deliver a flexible learni...
Reading Academies Year 5 Cohort 526564 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development Reading Academies Workday
New Evaluator Cohort 522656 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development The purpose of the “New Evaluator Cohort” is to provide diagnosticians, SLPs, and ARD fa...
ASCENDER The Three P's: Personnel/Payroll/PEIMS 506799 - 03/06/2025 Professional Development This session will cover the Three Ps - PEIMS, Personnel, & Payroll. We will discuss how Personnel & ...
TX CAN SPED-UCATOR MONTHLY LEARNING COHORT 511049 - 03/10/2025 Professional Development Calling all self-contained life skills teachers!!! Join me monthly, from August to May, to discover ...
School Safety Session 499408 - 03/11/2025 Professional Development School Safety Updates
DO THE MATH Session 5: Grade 2 (M7), Grade 3 (M6), Grade 4 (M7), & Grade 5 (M6) 521746 - 03/11/2025 Professional Development Welcome to the FINAL of a 5 part series! We will take a deep dive into specified modules (listed bel...
DO THE MATH Session 5: Grade K & Grade 1 (Module 5) 521739 - 03/13/2025 Professional Development Welcome to the FINAL of a 5 part series! We will take a deep dive into Module 5 (K & 1) utilizing th...
SPED Directors Mtg - Mar 14 498759 - 03/14/2025 Professional Development SPED Directors Only
Effective Advising for CTE Programs for Counselors – Ensuring Access and Removing Inequity 511091 - 03/20/2025 Professional Development This module will prepare counselors for their crucial roles in supporting students' postsecondary su...
Spring High School Counselor Meeting 511093 - 03/24/2025 Professional Development During this session, we will have up-to-date information from TEA, legal and legislative information...
Spring High School Counselor Workday 511097 - 03/24/2025 Professional Development During this session, we will have time to work on current issues in the counseling office. There wi...
CNP-ICN/TDA Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program (Part 3 of 8 Sessions) 533154 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development This multiple session program will provide an overview of school nutrition programs, define the role...
Parent & Family Engagement Program Evaluation and Annual Title I Meeting 522267 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development This training helps schools review the data over their PFE documents and program to prepare for next...
CNP-ICN/TDA Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program (Part 2 of 8 Sessions) 533142 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development This multiple session program will provide an overview of school nutrition programs, define the role...
ASCENDER ParentPortal/Online Registration Training 502898 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development This workshop will cover ParentPortal Online Registration set up, the steps for parents registering ...
Business Managers Session 518646 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development Please join us for our monthly Business Managers Session.
ASCENDER ParentPortal/Online Registration Training 522014 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development This workshop will cover ParentPortal Online Registration set up, the steps for parents registering ...
ASCENDER Student Workday 502899 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development The ASCENDER Student Workday will provide district staff time with the ASCENDER Student Team to work...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 5: Screening for Dyslexia 531061 - 03/26/2025 Professional Development Texas Dyslexia Academy 5: Screening for Dyslexia is the fifth of six professional
development opp...
TIA Collaborative Support Meeting 525948 - 03/26/2025 Professional Development The purpose of this collaborative support meeting is to bring Region 5 districts together to provide...
Universal Design for Learning: Action and Expression (Accommodating the needs of Diverse Learners Series Part 3) 534171 - 03/27/2025 Professional Development Teachers will be shown key considerations key strategies for using students' preferences for
CTE Program Evaluation for Experienced CTE Leaders 511101 - 03/27/2025 Professional Development This session is the 2nd module of a 4 part series for experienced CTE administrators that provides e...
Standards-Based IEP Process: Implications for Evaluation Personnel 518271 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development The focus of this session is to learn more about the Standards-Based IEP Process. The primary focus ...
CNP-ICN/TDA Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program (Part 4 of 8 sessions) 533157 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development This multiple session program will provide an overview of school nutrition programs, define the role...
Autism Tidbits #4: Girls with Autism 510692 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development While the prevalence rate for students with ASD continues to increase, the number of girls identifie...
Unpacking and Understanding the Ins and Outs of MOE - Cindy Moses,TCASE 525710 - 04/02/2025 Professional Development Unpacking and understanding the Ins and Outs of MOE
Texas Dyslexia Academy 6: Dysgraphia 531062 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development
Texas Dyslexia Academy 6: Dysgraphia provides educators with
foundational information about d...
Spring Middle School Counselor Meeting 511106 - 04/07/2025 Professional Development During this session, we will have up-to-date information from TEA, legal and legislative information...
TSS - Texas Strategic Staffing - Launch 531043 - 04/07/2025 Professional Development TSS
Spring Middle School Counselor Workday 511109 - 04/07/2025 Professional Development During this session, we will have time to work together on any current issues or management in the c...
Geometry PLC (Spring Meeting) 520590 - 04/08/2025 Professional Development You asked, and we delivered! Come join this community of Region 5 geometry teachers to see what is h...
New Evaluator Cohort 522658 - 04/08/2025 Professional Development The purpose of the “New Evaluator Cohort” is to provide diagnosticians, SLPs, and ARD fa...
TASBO Certification Course 522142 - 04/09/2025 Professional Development The Texas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO) will be conducting a certification course...
CNP-ICN/TDA Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program (Part 5 of 8 Sessions) 533164 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development This multiple session program will provide an overview of school nutrition programs, define the role...
CPI Training ~ April 2025 498168 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development CPI's blended eLearning option combines online and classroom experience to deliver a flexible learni...
CTE Program Expansion for Experienced CTE Leaders 511111 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development This session is the 3rd module of a 4 part series for experienced CTE administrators that will equip...
School Safety Session 499409 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development School Safety Updates
Early Childhood Data Collection (ECDS) - PK 507376 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development Training will include requirements and tips for submitting the PK Early Childhood data collection in...
ASCENDER TSDS ECDS PK 502895 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development This training will cover the ASCENDER steps for the TSDS Core ECDS - PK Data.
ASCENDER TSDS Core Collection SELA 502900 - 04/11/2025 Professional Development This recorded training will cover the ASCENDER steps for the TSDS Core ECDS- PK and SELA Data.
ASCENDER TSDS Core Collection Child Find 502897 - 04/11/2025 Professional Development ASCENDER TSDS Core Collection Child Find
ASCENDER TSDS Residential Facility Tracker (RFT) 502896 - 04/11/2025 Professional Development This recorded training will cover the ASCENDER steps for the TSDS Core RFT Data.
SPED Directors Mtg - Apr 11 498760 - 04/11/2025 Professional Development SPED Directors Only
Standards-Based (IEP) Process: Training for Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) 518288 - 04/14/2025 Professional Development In order to ensure increased achievement and access to the general curriculum for students with disa...
TX CAN SPED-UCATOR MONTHLY LEARNING COHORT 511050 - 04/14/2025 Professional Development Calling all self-contained life skills teachers!!! Join me monthly, from August to May, to discover ...
Algebra II PLC (Spring Meeting) 520595 - 04/15/2025 Professional Development You asked, and we delivered! Come join this community of Region 5 algebra II teachers to see what is...
Bilingual/ESL/Title III Directors Meeting 507437 - 04/15/2025 Professional Development The agenda will include topics that support Federal compliance for the BIL/ESL/Title III programs as...
Texas Principal Evaluation Support System Training (T-PESS) 494590 - 04/15/2025 Professional Development T-PESS is the state approved evaluation system for Texas principals. It is a standard-based profess...
2024-2025 TEA LPAC Framework: End-of-Year Check-in Zoom 516924 - 04/16/2025 Professional Development This Zoom will be a end-of-year check-in Zoom. We will review the process for LPAC Committees and ha...
Youth Mental Health First Aid 533209 - 04/17/2025 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, sc...
2024-2025 TEA LPAC Framework: End-of-Year 533148 - 04/17/2025 Professional Development This Zoom will be a end-of-year check-in Zoom. We will review the process for LPAC Committees and ha...
CNP-ICN/TDA Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program (Part 6 of 8 Sessions) 533169 - 04/23/2025 Professional Development This multiple session program will provide an overview of school nutrition programs, define the role...
Quarterly CTE Administrator Meeting (off site) 511113 - 04/24/2025 Professional Development Quarterly CTE Administrator meetings are geared for campus/district leaders, counselors and teachers...
Designing Effective & Ethical Intervention for Students Who Speak Languages in Addition to English Lisa Rukovena MS, CCC-SLP 512226 - 04/25/2025 Professional Development In this session, participants will discuss a range of intervention designs including in-direct, dire...
CNP-ICN/TDA Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program (Part 7 of 8 sessions) 533175 - 04/29/2025 Professional Development This multiple session program will provide an overview of school nutrition programs, define the role...
Informed and Ongoing CTE Advising for Middle School and High School Counselors 511115 - 04/29/2025 Professional Development This session is the 1st module of a 2 part series for experienced school counselors. It provides sc...
TSDS PEIMS Summer Submission Overview 507156 - 04/29/2025 Professional Development Training of TSDS PEIMS Summer Submission requirements and data elements.
Business Managers Session 518670 - 04/30/2025 Professional Development Please join us for our monthly Business Managers Session.
ASCENDER TSDS PEIMS Summer 522039 - 05/01/2025 Professional Development ASCENDER TSDS PEIMS Summer
ASCENDER Bank Reconciliation 507121 - 05/01/2025 Professional Development This workshop will cover the Bank Reconciliation Application in ASCENDER. We will review table opti...
ASCENDER TSDS PEIMS Summer 522040 - 05/01/2025 Professional Development ASCENDER TSDS PEIMS Summer
New Evaluator Cohort 522663 - 05/06/2025 Professional Development The purpose of the “New Evaluator Cohort” is to provide diagnosticians, SLPs, and ARD fa...
CNP-ICN/TDA Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program (Part 8 of 8 Sessions) 533177 - 05/08/2025 Professional Development This multiple session program will provide an overview of school nutrition programs, define the role...
CPI Training ~ May 2025 498170 - 05/08/2025 Professional Development CPI's blended eLearning option combines online and classroom experience to deliver a flexible learni...
School Safety Session 499410 - 05/08/2025 Professional Development School Safety Updates
Business Managers Session 518674 - 05/08/2025 Professional Development Please join us for our monthly Business Managers Session.
McKinney-Vento Liaison Quarterly Meeting 506862 - 05/08/2025 Professional Development McKinney-Vento Liaison Quarterly Meeting
SPED Directors Mtg - May 9 498761 - 05/09/2025 Professional Development SPED Directors Only
Bliss Tactile Symbols: Another Tool for your AAC Toolbox Shannon Paige MA, CCC-SLP 512228 - 05/09/2025 Professional Development Bliss tactile symbols are a new generation of tactile symbols that are brought together through the ...
2024-2025 TEA LPAC Framework: End-of-Year Office Hour 516926 - 05/12/2025 Professional Development This Zoom will be a end-of-year check-in Zoom. We will review the process for LPAC Committees and ha...
TX CAN SPED-UCATOR MONTHLY LEARNING COHORT 511051 - 05/12/2025 Professional Development Calling all self-contained life skills teachers!!! Join me monthly, from August to May, to discover ...
Supporting CTE Teachers for Experienced CTE Leaders 511117 - 05/13/2025 Professional Development This session is the 4th module of a 4 part series for experienced CTE administrators that provides a...
Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Grant Refresher 511119 - 05/15/2025 Professional Development This workshop is for CTE leaders who have to work with the Perkins V grant. We will discuss informat...
ASCENDER TSDS PEIMS Extended Year 517134 Online Course ASCENDER TSDS PEIMS Extended Year
ASCENDER Student End of Year 502901 - 05/20/2025 Professional Development In this workshop we will cover the complete process for the end of the school year ASCENDER and Teac...
ASCENDER Student End of Year 522042 - 05/20/2025 Professional Development In this workshop we will cover the complete process for the end of the school year ASCENDER and Teac...
ASCENDER Student Workday 502902 - 05/20/2025 Professional Development The ASCENDER Student Workday will provide district staff time with the ASCENDER Student Team to work...
Reading By Design 522045 - 06/02/2025 Professional Development Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dyslexia laws and
ASCENDER - Service Records 507128 - 06/10/2025 Professional Development This ASCENDER workshop will cover the utility of extracting service records, maintenance of the serv...
ASCENDER - Extended Next Year Payroll Processing 507132 - 06/10/2025 Professional Development This workshop will cover the moving of 11 & 12 month employees from Next Year Payroll to Current Yea...
Planning for Comprehensive K-12 College and Career Readiness Advising for Experienced Counselors 511121 - 06/11/2025 Professional Development This session is the 2nd module of a 2 part series for experienced school counselors. The session is...
ASCENDER Annual Student Data Rollover 502904 - 06/17/2025 Professional Development ASCENDER Annual Student Data Rollover
ASCENDER Annual Student Data Rollover 522043 - 06/17/2025 Professional Development ASCENDER Annual Student Data Rollover
ASCENDER Student Workday 502905 - 06/17/2025 Professional Development The ASCENDER Student Workday will provide district staff time with the ASCENDER Student Team to work...
Unlocking Voices Through Writing: The Overlooked AAC Tool Shannon Paige MA, CCC-SLP 512230 - 06/20/2025 Professional Development Writing, beyond handwriting, is a complex communication process that is learned and shaped over time...
Business Managers Session 518682 - 06/25/2025 Professional Development Please join us for our monthly Business Managers Session.
ASCENDER Payroll Special Adjustments 507133 - 06/26/2025 Professional Development This ASCENDER workshop will cover the Payroll Special Adjustments which allows the transferring of a...
Reading By Design 522046 - 07/07/2025 Professional Development Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dyslexia laws and
ASCENDER Personnel/Payroll Overview 507134 - 07/08/2025 Professional Development This ASCENDER workshop will cover entering in a new employee's Demographic and Staff/Job Pay Data. I...
ASCENDER Leave Accounting/EmployeePortal 507135 - 07/08/2025 Professional Development This ASCENDER workshop will cover the set up of leave tables and the different options of entering l...
TExES ESL Supplemental Review #154 – Two Day Training 516930 - 07/09/2025 Professional Development This course is designed to prepare teachers to take the ESL TExES 154 for ESL Certification and deve...
Ethical Assessment and Management of Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in the School Setting Kathy Brewington MS, CCC-SLP 512232 - 07/11/2025 Professional Development Providing safe and adequate nutrition during the school day falls under the purview of the license o...
ASCENDER Elementary Scheduling 502906 - 07/15/2025 Professional Development This training covers the steps to schedule elementary grade levels using the Grade Reporting element...
ASCENDER Elementary Scheduling 522044 - 07/15/2025 Professional Development This training covers the steps to schedule elementary grade levels using the Grade Reporting element...
ASCENDER Student Workday 502907 - 07/15/2025 Professional Development The ASCENDER Student Workday will provide district staff time with the ASCENDER Student Team to work...
ASCENDER Purchasing 507136 - 07/29/2025 Professional Development This ASCENDER workshop will cover the initial steps in Security, District Administration and Finance...
ASCENDER End of Year Finance and Payroll Processing 507137 - 07/31/2025 Professional Development This ASCENDER workshop will cover the steps to guide you through the process to end a fiscal year an...