Session Detail

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Session Detail


ADHD Evaluations for OHI Eligibility: School District Responsibilities and Roles of Evaluators
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School-based evaluations for ADHD can be a challenge and often lead to a variety of questions about school district responsibilities during the process. These include questions about what medical information is needed from the student’s medical professional and questions about the roles of the various evaluation professionals during the evaluation and identification process. This workshop examines the IDEA requirements for OHI eligibility and explores a systematic process for helping school’s determine what evaluation data is needed, as well as what roles evaluation personnel may play in the identification of ADHD.

Important Session Information:

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(3) CPE
(3) Contact Hours
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Melanie Cowart
Kimberly Sleeper
Date Time Location
1/9/2025 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM Region 05 ESC site - No Room Needed

350 Pine Street Suite 500 Beaumont, TX 77701 | Phone: 409-951-1700
350 Pine Street Suite 500 Beaumont, TX 77701
Phone: 409-951-1700
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